I thought this was a cool idea that Tabb Buel (CEO and Founder) came up with for The Lift system. If you think about this logically, you’re going to be lifting heavy items (bikes, totes, etc.) in the air; the last thing you want to happen is it all comes crashing down on someone or even your car. I told him, “you thought of everything.” It’s great.
What he’s done is drilled pinholes through the side of the lift channel (or track) for you to input this channel pin at whatever height you want. Again, this is another safety feature to protect your possessions. I’m confident this Lift system is built to perfection, but just in case something fails, like the motor or cable, you have this pin to prevent anything from clattering down.
While speaking with Tabb, he also mentioned that you could add additional holes but don’t get too crazy with how many you add. The channel (unistrut) comes with (3) three predrilled holes.
I’d highly suggest you grab a few of these and store them somewhere. I feel many of you will wind up getting multiple Lift systems and will want to have these pins available.
- Weight: 1 lb
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What You Get
x1 Channel Pin
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